The Complex Psoas

This mysterious muscle group, the Iliopsoas, plays such a substantial role in the dancing and moving body. This three class series will dive deep into the inner workings of the psoas with release techniques, breath work, strengthening, and provide anatomical real-life applications.


  • Psoas strength is essential for bringing the leg above 90 degrees! 
  • It is the only muscle in the body that connects the legs to the spine, which is why it is one of your deepest core muscles. 
  • Breath plays a vital role in the function of the psoas because of its connection to the diaphragm 
  • This “muscle of the soul” is closely linked with your fight or flight response, and holds past trauma
  • It is common for dancers to have weak and tight psoas, but stretching is not always the answer

We will take time to understand the Psoas complex, and more deeply, your own. 

  • Three recorded classes, available for 30 days once purchased
  • GYROKINESIS®️ Movement inspired by Juergen Bramburger's Gyrotonic®️ Psoas Principles Application
  • Cues from various respected instructors in the field 
  • Anatomical visuals + explanations
  • Footage of The Painted Psoas on skin to show quality of movement + meet the artist
  • My take on years of working with my own set of Psoas’
Intended for dancers, but I am told it is perfectly accessible for movers of all levels!

What People Are Saying:

Today my ballet mistress came to me and said that my body, and how I’ve been working lately, has completely changed. I’ve been doing your psoas series every day, sometimes twice a day and it has helped me more than you know! In applying some of the cues to my other classes and choreography, I can feel the fanning, how the psoas connects and scoops up, and how it supports my leg and spine. It has also helped me to completely find the push through the line of my leg into the floor. I could go on and on, but just wanted to say how much it means what you do, what you share and I am thankful for your knowledge.

Teele Ude - dancer with Oldenburg Staatstheater

$75.00 USD